In our country it is known as long-term bladder inflammation among people, it can be characterized as continuous urinary sensation, groin pain, restlessness and burning in urine. Chronic cystitis may occur in this disease, the first onset of which is usually caused by a germ, either by contacting the wrong doctor or performing the treatment by the person himself. The chronicization of this disease means that a person will suffer from these attacks for life. If not taken into consideration, patients may only worsen the course of the disease by using a drug of their choice and cause it to progress. There may also be major problems behind chronic cystitis. For example, bladder cancer and urinary tract stone disease also show the same symptoms as chronic cystitis, and for treatment the person uses the wrong drug for months. Unfortunately, in such cases, the patient may have to suffer this problem for life. Therefore, early diagnosis and immediate treatment of this disease is very likely to get rid of the disease.
Causes of chronic cystitis
Symptoms of chronic cystitis
High risk in chronic cystitis Chronic Cystitis It is common in people between 18-40 years of age and active in sexual life. This disease, which is more common in women than men, may evolve in some more serious diseases if left untreated. Treatment of chronic cystitis First by the urologist chronic cystitis The cause of the disease should be determined. Causes are determined by investigating inflammations, bacteria or genetics of the disease. The patient's daily urination diary is also monitored. Urinary tract imaging techniques (such as ultrasound, CT) and bladder endoscopy and bladder biopsy, urodynamic tests can also be performed for diagnosis. Thus, appropriate surgical and drug treatments are applied to the patient. In the treatment, long-term suppressive treatment protocols come first and under the supervision of a doctor and re-evaluation is made at the end of the treatment. Precautions to be taken to prevent chronic cystitis
Evaluation of male sexuality
Patient's history
Physical examination
Laboratory evaluations
Spouses should consult a doctor if possible. Even if the subject is male sexual health, the result concerns both sexes.
Common mistakes
The above errors can protect you from trained urologists. Our sexuality is not insignificant enough to be left to porn, sex traffickers, actresses and other healers.
Treatment; If the cure problem lasts for 3 months and shows significant loss of cure, treatment should be started. Penile erection is the most important indicator of our sexual health. but it does not express sexuality at all. Therefore, a wide variety of treatment methods are used and different branches such as psychiatry and obstetricians are frequently involved.
Some treatment methods
As a result; Everyone has the right to a good sexual life, must live in a healthy way according to the rules of our society. In the treatment of penile stiffness, we should be treated according to the information given above and use our minds. We can turn our television on and off with a remote control device, but the penis never has such a control device, but “love and reconciliation“ is like a vitamin of penile hardening.