The most important indicator for performing sexual function in men is penis hardening and this event should be maintained at a sufficient time and consistency. It is known as impotence or erectile dysfunction in medicine.
Hardening problem; It is seen in 1 of 10 men under the age of 40 and in 1 of 2 men over the age of 40.
Diabetes; 30% hardening problem is seen in 5-year patients and 50% in 15-year patients. Diabetes is a common metabolic disease in 1 out of 11 people. In summary, erectile dysfunction is three times more common in DM than in normal population.
Up to 30% of the population over the age of 18 has hypertension. 30% hardening problem is seen in hypertension.
Male sexual health;It requires physical, mental well-being, socioeconomic sufficiency and good agreement with the spouse or partner.
Normal sexual performance;Psychological energy for satisfactory sexual intercourse for both sides is defined as bodily strength and penis hardening.
For normal sexual performance;
Sexuality is normal 2-3 times a week. It is known that there are 100.000.000 sexual intercourse in the world and 1180 per second. We have to know the action that happens so often and break down the taboos.
The real sex organ is our brain. The penis is just an organ that fulfills the wishes of the brain. The penis is composed of 3 rod-shaped chambers, 10-18 cm in length when hardening, and sponge-shaped vessels inside these chambers. In other words, the penis is an almost “vascular organ yakın. Emotional desires provide blood to the penis through the nerves and result in hardening. Because hardening is a hormonal, emotional, vascular and nervous event.
Risk factors in male sexuality
Evaluation of male sexuality
Patient's history
Physical examination
Laboratory evaluations
Spouses should consult a doctor if possible. Even if the subject is male sexual health, the result concerns both sexes.
Common mistakes
The above errors can protect you from trained urologists. Our sexuality is not insignificant enough to be left to porn, sex traffickers, actresses and other healers.
Treatment; If the cure problem lasts for 3 months and shows significant loss of cure, treatment should be started. Penile erection is the most important indicator of our sexual health. but it does not express sexuality at all. Therefore, a wide variety of treatment methods are used and different branches such as psychiatry and obstetricians are frequently involved.
Some treatment methods
As a result; Everyone has the right to a good sexual life, must live in a healthy way according to the rules of our society. In the treatment of penile stiffness, we should be treated according to the information given above and use our minds. We can turn our television on and off with a remote control device, but the penis never has such a control device, but “love and reconciliation“ is like a vitamin of penile hardening.